
Below are links for World War II research, general information about World War II, and sites dedicated to preserving history. Many of these sites were referenced in the construction of this webpage as well as the oral history project that this webpage is organized around.

Pathways to History:

Pathways to History is a program for teachers in Eastern Washington sponsored by ESD 101 and Eastern Washington University to promote the teaching of history in classrooms.

Veterans History Project (Library of Congress):

This site contains selections from some of the histories that have been recorded, letters, and other documents gathered from veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. It also contains suggestions for recording a veteran's oral history or donating documents to this project that is working to preserve these stories.

A People At War:

This is an exhibit by the National Archives of the United States at war during World War II.

NARA U.S. National Archives Online:

The U.S. National Archives, this can be searched, but is somewhat hard to find your way around. Regardless of the difficulty, it is well worth it.

The German Prisoners of World War II:"

A German website about the German prisoners of World War II. This contains information about the German prisoners held in the United States, especially those held at Camp Farragut in Athol, Idaho.

Historic Government Publications from World War II - SMU:

This site contains an amazing wealth of government publications sent out for the public during World War II, all documents are in .pdf form.

World War II Links:

This site contains external links to sites devoted to all aspects of World War II.

Reveille With Beverly:

This interesting site is a look into the experiences of a young woman whose daily radio program, "G.I. Jive" was listened to by thousands of servicemen during World War II. There are also 38 tracts of popular music from the era taken from "G.I. Jive" that can be listened to.

World War II Nurses:

An interesting site dedicated to the nurses that served in World War II.

Historical Text Archive:

This site contains a multitude of historical texts from many time periods in United States History.

"Band of Brothers" Resource Center:

This site in conjunction with the movie by Steven Spielberg contains many links to aid in World War II research.

World War II History Information:

This site contains general information on World War II, as well as an image gallery.

Dad's War: Finding and Telling Your Father's World War II Story by Wesley Johnston:

This site contains information on how to get started on an oral history of a veteran, especially World War II veterans. It also contains links to other sites created by people that have done their parents' histories.

World War 2 U.S. Veterans Website:

One of the many sites for World War II veterans.

U-Boat Crew Website:

This site is dedicated to those U-Boat crews that were prisoners of war in the United States during World War II.

American Ex-Prisoners of War Online:

The official website for all former American prisoners of war, of all wars.

The Institute on World War II:

This site from Florida State University is dedicated to the preservation of the stories, letters and documents from World War II.

The Holland Ring - The Netherlands During World War II:

A Dutch site containing information about The Netherlands during World War II.

Copyright © 2004 by Kristen Cornelis